Blue Marlin Expeditions


Blue Marlin Expeditions

Trust the Blue Marlin team for your next adventure, no matter which ocean you cross…

While spearfishing camps are our main focus, we love hosting unique hunting trips in the same all-inclusive style. Our years of tightwad exploring are proof that you don’t need a six-figure income to have the trip of a lifetime. That’s especially important today, as so many amazing hunts are being priced out of the average Joe’s reach. Luckily, price is a poor indicator of value. Some hunts are expensive because the trophy is rare and some because the hunt is made as easy as possible, but the best hunts are expensive because you can’t help feeling alive. Well, we excel at finding affordable adventures to provide that exhilaration without the sticker shock.

We’ve curated the following Expeditions because they are accessible to ALL sportsmen and have the highest adventure to cost ratio available. If you are looking for a more laid-back hunting trip, then our Virginia camps are just plain fun at a price you can’t beat:


- Lapland Capercaillie (Sweden) from $850 ea

- Patagonia Stag (Argentina) from $2,250 ea

- Glacial Valley Sika (Ireland) from $2,750 ea

- Javan Rusa (New Caledonia) from $2,750 ea

- Tian Shan Ibex (Tajikistan) from $7,750 ea


- Ice Fishing Predator Combo (MN) from $600 ea


- Whitetail Youth/Ladies Camp (Virginia) from $1,000 gr

- Clapper Rail Blast & Cast (Virginia) from $750 ea

- Sea Duck & Woodcock (Virginia) from $1,250 ea

Contact us today to start planning your next expedition. We tailor these trips to your budget and comfort level, whether you want bare-bones or all the bells and whistles. If you’re okay with rice and beans for a week, so are we. If you prefer caviar and blinis, we can make that happen too. Hurry to reserve your spot, as we offer only three International Expeditions each year!

We’ve also refined the art of combining hunting and family-friendly vacations. With over a decade of elementary education under her belt, Samantha can make sure your kids don’t miss a beat while they’re out of school. And there’s nobody better at encouraging first timers of all ages to give hunting a try. So bring the whole family along - we bet you’ll be sneaking more hunting trips into the budget from here on.

Check out our full-size photo gallery here :

Expeditionary Camp

Have a cool trip idea but don’t want to risk DIY? Give us a shout! We offer one (1) “Expeditionary Camp” per year to uncharted waters, because it’s not really exploring if you’ve been there before. We have the top-notch gear to outfit practically any adventure you can throw at us.

We offer this service at a discounted camp rate to account for our unfamiliarity with the new area. We’ll strive to meet the same standards as our established camps and expeditions, but it’s important to note there will be some kinks to work out and we may have to call some audibles. This is especially true in remote areas with insufficient infrastructure.

Expeditionary Camps can be any adventure anywhere, but priority will be given to these locations:

  • Spearfishing: Fiji ; Faroe Islands ; Gran Canary ; Bali ; Vanuatu ; Timor L’este ; New Zealand

  • Hunting: New Zealand ; Australia ; Canada

Inquire below for your fully customized adventure.


The Hunting Buddy

Solo hunting is pretty common and it’s one of Ben’s favorite ways to hunt. But experience has showed that a second pair of hands, eyes, and cerebral lobes can make a world of difference. In spearfishing its called the buddy system, and having a dive buddy with you is par for the course. In shooting, it’s called having a spotter and there’s a good reason our military snipers rarely operate solo. In hunting, though, you only hope you can wrangle someone into helping out when you’re lucky enough to draw an epic tag.

But life happens, and few of us have a friend list long enough to know for a fact that a buddy will jump on a plane when that OIL tag gets drawn. If you have to go the guided route instead, it may well break the budget. That’s why we offer a service level called The Hunting Buddy. Ben and the Blue Marlin team need the flimsiest of excuse to go on a new hunt, even if we don’t pull the trigger. So we work with you on price to provide the extra set of hands as close to “at-cost” as possible. The cooler the hunt, the cheaper our price.

Don’t think of this as a freelance guide service, because we won’t “guide-card” you unless you specifically want us to. Think of this as Rent-A-Sherpa, where we will take the backseat and provide support and encouragement in those moments that can break you solo. When you need somebody to mind the mules while you close the distance. When your shot goes wide right and you didn’t see impact. When it’s Day 4 with no animals and you’re second guessing everything. When you’re physically drained but still have half an elk to pack out. Go it alone long enough and God will eventually humble you. So if it’s a hunt where you can’t take any chances, you can count on The Hunting Buddy to have your back.

** CAVEAT ** Many states prohibit ANY compensated hunting assistance (even intangible quid-pro-quos) without a guide license. For those states, we can try our hardest to obtain said license or find a legitimate legal loophole, but we won’t risk ending up on the news. Be sure to still reach out to us - in certain scenarios (cough * bighorn * cough) we may work pro bono just to experience it ourselves.